At OptiMind, I combine my academic training with a lifetime of experience to provide you with individualized integrative psychiatric care.

Psyche = “Mind, Body, Soul”

My journey to becoming an integrative Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner started out probably during one of my first patient encounters (when I was an LNA many years ago). It was an exciting time for me as I had just entered the world of “medicine”. I wanted to learn everything.

I remember sitting quietly with a man who came onto the hospital cardiology unit where I was working. He had begun to develop difficulty with his breathing. He was very scared and asked me to stay with him. His breathing got better after about an hour, and he warmly grasped my hand in his and thanked me. I remember I was surprised—because I hadn’t “done” anything, I had not intervened nor had anyone else. I had simply stayed with him.

Even though at the time I was very interested in exciting medical procedures, the mysteries of medical monitoring, and the complexities of diagnosis and treatment, instead I learned what turned out to be a most influential message. I found out, sitting quietly with this man who did not know me, that the very presence of an attentive human being can make the biggest difference in someone’s life.

This scene has played out over and over again in my healthcare career—as a paramedic, as a cardiac technician, and as a nurse—I found that the “being with” people was what seemed to make the biggest difference in their health and wellbeing.

I came to understand it is our presence and the unseen psyche that have so much to do with health and healing

While I later learned all about diseases, diagnosis and treatment, I never forgot the importance of attending to the psyche. It was, in fact, this lesson that drew my to becoming a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner as well as into many years of exploration into energy healing, aromatherapy, herbs, spiritualilty, music therapy, movement and the role of nature in health. As I progressed from being an LNA, to a Paramedic, to a Nurse, to a Nurse-Midwife and finally to a Psych NP, I also pursued alternative modes of healing because it was through these methods that I knew I could provide holistic care. At OptiMind, my goal is to provide that care to you—as a partner in addressing your psyche and you as a whole person.

Nurse Practitioner.
Nurse Midwife
Adoptive Parent.
Tarot enthusiast.

Nature alone cures. ... what nursing has to do ... is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon them.” ~ Florence Nightingale
— Florence Nightingale

My Credentials

  • BA in History & Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan

  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Pre-Med Studies from Duquesne University

  • RN Certificate and Master of Science in Nursing from Yale University

  • Post-Master’s Certificate in Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health from Frontier Nursing University

  • National Board-Certification as a Nurse Practitioner and Nurse-Midwife

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach

  • Certified Childbirth Educator, Happy Baby Educator, Lactation Counselor, and Doula

  • Certification in Perinatal Mental Health from Postpartum Support International

  • Former Statewide Coordinator for Postpartum Support International

  • Certificate in Guided Care from John’s Hopkins

  • Continuing Education in Reproductive Psychiatry and Women’s Health

  • Certified (Amen Clinics) Brain Health Coach

  • Four years as a full-time faculty member in Nursing

  • Over 30 years of experience in healthcare

  • Lifelong student of spirituality, herbal healing, aromatherapy, and movement

As a provider of psychiatric services, I recognize that psychiatric practices
have a history of prejudice and discrimination
and that personal privilege and bias impact the therapeutic process.

I am committed to continual education, reflection, and self-examination