My Approach

 I offer comprehensive treatment that goes beyond medication. To improve depression, decrease mood swings, and minimize anxiety symptoms, we have to look at the nervous system, which is influenced by many factors both internal and external.

Being an integrative provider means that I offer several methods outside of medication management and therapy to get you feeling better. Together, we’ll create a comprehensive plan that takes into account all factors of your mind, body, and spirit.

My recommendations may include the following. (**Some of the modalities below are not covered by insurance. I will always inform you FIRST if I think something may not be covered by your insurance company. Usually you can submit a receipt for reimbursement, but check with your insurance provider).

Medication Management

Integrative psychiatry doesn’t mean anti-medication — I can help you find the best medication regimen that helps you feel better without causing unnecessary side effects, and I can also help you reduce your need for medication by using holistic methods to give you extra support

**IS covered by insurance

Lifestyle Coaching

The best medication regimen in the world won’t help if your habits aren’t serving your mental health. It’s hard to change and I can help you take tiny steps forward that will create massive positive results.

**Not covered by insurance


My approach is based on behavioral, psychotherapeutic, somatic, and compassionate inquiry methods. Don’t get too caught up in the terms, though—the important thing for you to know is that I start the therapy process by listening to you and hearing your unique story, and then I give you concrete tools to help you understand yourself and free yourself from negative patterns.

**IS covered by insurance

Integrative Nutrition

Having studied Integrative Nutrition and nutritional psychiatry, I will assess your diet and incorporate recommended nutritional options for addressing anxiety, depression, and mood lability as well as hormonal imbalances, providing you (upon request) with a personalized meal plan.

While whole foods are the best source of nutrients, I can also guide you in the area of high-quality supplements.

**Supplements are not covered by insurance. You may be able to use your HSA card if you have one should you wish to pursue a treatment plan that includes recommendations on supplements.

Integrative Lab Testing

One of the limits of conventional lab testing is that just because your nutrient levels are in the “normal” range doesn’t mean you’re meeting
all of your functional nutrient needs. I can work with you to use the latest technology in lab testing, to allow us to identify and correct underlying nutrient deficiencies or gut health issues that may be making it difficult to recover with medicaiton alone.

**Some labs are not covered by insurance (I will always inform you FIRST if I think something may not be covered by your insurance company. Usually you can submit a receipt for reimbursement, but check with your insurance provider.

Biofeedback & Wearable Devices

Heart Math (biofeedback) and brain stimulation devices coming soon! These offer a great alternative if you are sensitive to medication. There are other wearable devices to control anxiety.

**Some wearable devices can be covered by insurance, although it is more typical that they are not.

My Fees

  • $375

  • This is a 45- minute appointment that typically includes both therapy and medication management as well as review of lab results and strategizing our treatment plan.


  • This is a quick "check-in" to see where you are with your goals, review any medicaiton changes we have made, or provide a brief treatment adjustment.


I am currently in-network with BCBS, Aetna, and Cigna